Emmaculate Asige Liaga

Oumou Dilly Postdoc Fellow (Feb 2020-Jan 2021)
Oumou Dilly Doctoral Fellow (Feb 2019-Jan 2020)

portrait emma liaga

Emmaculate Asige Liaga is an associate researcher at the Centre for African Studies, University of Basel. Her research investigates the strategies of  peacebuilding employed by both local and international organizations of  peace operations in post-conflict communities, analysing the top-down and bottom-up approaches employed by both foreign intervention and local level organizations.

She is a holder of a Doctorate degree (2020) with a thesis titled, ‘The Local Turn in Peacebuilding: A Critical Analysis of Peacebuilding Strategies in South Sudan’ and an undergraduate (2014) degree from Pretoria University, South Africa. She also graduated from the University of Manchester with her Masters degree (2016), where she majored in International Conflict and Security Studies.

She is an awardee of the Chevening Scholarship (2015/2016); Woodrow Wilson Centre Southern Voices Network for Peacebuilding Scholarship; German Institute of Area and Global Studies (GIGA) seed funding scholarship (2017); Next Generation Social Sciences in Africa: Doctoral Dissertation Research Fellowship 2018/2019; and Oumou Dilly Scholarship for completion of doctoral studies in Switzerland (2019/2020). 

She worked at the Centre for Advancement of Scholarship (2018) and Centre for the Study of Governance Innovation (2015) as a researcher. She also worked as a politics tutor at the department of political sciences and as an intern at the United Nations Information Centre.

Her research interests include peace and security from below, conflict resolution, agency of communities in policymaking, and international relations theories (critical theories and marginalized theories).